Quantcast Lunt Silversmiths: Sterling Silverware Company - A Brief History

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Lunt Silversmiths: Sterling Silverware Company - A Brief History

Lunt Silversmiths was established in  1901 in Greenfield, Massachusetts as Rogers, Lunt & Bowlen Co, after the failure of the A. F. Towle & Son Co, and began using the Lunt Silversmiths trademark in  1935. It later acquired the assets of the King Silver Co and the Richard Dimes Co. Some pattern names: Alexandra, American Directoire, American Victorian, Belle Meade, Carillon, Charles II, Chased Classic, Chatelaine, Colonial Manor, Colonial Theme, Contrast, Coronet, Counterpoint, Delacourt, Early american-Engraved, Early American-Plain, Early Colonial, Eloquence, English Shell, Festival, Floral Lace, Granado, Lace Point, Madrigal, Mary II, Memory Lane, Mignonette, Modern Classic, Modern Victorian, Monticello, Mount Vernon, Nellie Custis, Pendant of Fruit, Raindrop, Rapallo, Regency, Rondelay, Rose Elegance, Spring Serenade, Starfire, Summer, song, Sweetheart Rose, and William & Mary.

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